Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Technology in testing: the present and the future

Using computer-based language tests sound very convenient to language teachers. However, I think there are quite a lot of problems. It is quite difficult to include a variety of questions in the tests. We are sometimes quite restricted to the technology. Sometimes, we may have better ideas in testing the students but, our IT knowledge or software may stop us from doing so. Also, it is hard to get a good setting for tests, if we ask students to do it at home, they may cheat. If we ask them to do it in the MMLC, we may come across technical problems. If we want to assess students' writing skills, it would be difficult as well. Since there are different functions of proofreading, spell check and etc to assist the students. Spelling and grammar use are definitely items we must assess in students' writing. With the help of technology, how can they show us their "true colour"? Furthermore, it is very difficult for us to mark the writing on screen, we may need to print it out and type our feedback afterward. That's why a lot of teachers don't want to mark the CE and A-Level exam papers.

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